SCB 103 Lab 10 Content
Learning Objectives
After completing this lab, the students will be able to:
- understand the overall organization of the immune system.
- list the different modes of disease transmission.
- explain the connection between HIV and AIDS.
Lab Readings
Read the following materials before you doing your lab activity.
- The immune System (Lumen Learning, Bio2, module 20)
- Why It Matters: The Immune System
- Introduction to the Innate Immune Response
- Physical and Chemical Barriers
- Pathogen Recognition
- Natural Killer Cells
- Complement System
- Introduction to the Adaptive Immune Response
- Antigen-Presenting Cells
- T and B Lymphocytes
- Mucosal Surfaces and Immune Tolerance
- Immunological Memory
- Primary Centers of the Immune System
- Introduction to Antibodies
- Antibody Structure
- Antibody Classes
- Antibody Functions
- Disruptions in the Immune System
- Putting It Together: The Immune System

2. Three levels of host defense:

3. An Introduction to Infectious Disease.


Watch the following video to get more understanding about the lab material.
- View below or on YouTube The Immune System. (Bozeman Science)
Lab Activity
(under development)