
Tip: Save passwords and bookmark or add your course page to your device’s home screen to save time returning to the site. Add this site and other links to CUNYFirst.

Enroll in Zero-Textbook-Cost and Low-Textbook-Cost Course

How to search for Zero-Textbook-Cost (ZTC) and Low-Textbook-Cost ($25 or less) courses at LaGuardia and other City University of New York (CUNY) colleges:

  1. Login to CUNYFirst and go to “Search for Classes” page.
  2. Choose your college from the “Institution” drop‐down menu.
  3. Select the desired Term
  4. In “Course Attribute” drop-down menu, choose “ZERO Textbook Cost” or “Low Textbook Cost”.
  5. Click the Search button. You will get a complete list of all courses that are designated as “Zero Textbook Cost” or “Low Textbook Cost” courses. If you would like to narrow your search, use additional filtering on the Search for Classes page. Note: Not all ZTC or LTC eligible courses may have been designated.

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LAGCC Student Resources

  • Instructional Videos: These short instructional videos cover CUNYfirst, an overview of MyLaGuardia, accessing student email, contacting faculty, and an overview of Blackboard.
  • QuickStart Guide PDF. This is a guide to navigate different digital tools students will need to access, including information on getting technology equipment.