SCC 110 – Foundations of Chemistry

Course content

Lab Handouts, Manuals and Safety

SCC 110 Lab Handouts and Manuals

Forms and Safety for All Chemistry Labs

(Source: LAGCC Natural Sciences Department website)

Homework and Assignments

Development of MyOpenMath online homework modules is under consideration. MyOpenMath is a free, open source, online course management system for mathematics and other quantitative fields. Functions include randomizing questions, online tests, and automatic grading.

Free E-Textbook 

The Basics of GOB Chemistry (Ball et al.), published by LibreTexts, is required for some sections. Read and download textbook online. (Book URL: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Adapted textbook for course (under development)

Download Calibre software for converting and managing e-books

Textbook problem solutions

Exercises for General Chemistry on Libretexts

Galaxy 3 painting
Eppich, Helmut. Concentrics.©. LaGuardia Community College. Photo by Dina Pizzarello.©2020.


The syllabus contains information on Course materials, Instructional Objectives,  Grading Scheme and Standards, Homework Assignments, Attendance and other policies, Class schedule and instructors, and Laboratory requirements and experiments.

SCC 110 Course Description

This one-semester chemistry course addresses the needs primarily of allied health students. Topics include measurement and significant figures, atomic structure, elements and compounds, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, solutions, acids and bases, classification of simple organic compounds according to functional groups, and biomolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The laboratory component is designed to illustrate the fundamental laws and techniques of general chemistry. Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisites of ENG 99 AND CSE 99 AND MAT 96 OR passing scores/exemptions on the CUNY Reading, Writing & Math tests are required. Requirement Designation: Flexible Core – Scientific World. Credits 4

Some of the links require login credentials and can be accessed via MyLaGuardia.

References: Chemistry OER

  • Chemistry OER
  • Ad Astra Undergraduate Research Newsletter
    Ad Astra is a newsletter where faculty, staff and students at LaGuardia Community College from different disciplines showcase their ongoing and latest research initiatives, scientific and academic accomplishments.  Ad Astra presents snippets of new scientific findings, puzzles to challenge your brain and useful information about usual and unusual career paths and possibilities following graduation.