SCP 202 – Fundamental of Physics II

Eppich Galaxy 6 painting
Eppich, Helmut. Galaxy 6.© LaGuardia Community College. Photo by Dina Pizzarello.©2020.

Course content

Homework and Assignments

Homework modules were developed on MyOpenMath and piloted from January-February, 2020. MyOpenMath is a free, open source, online course management system for mathematics and other quantitative fields. Functions include randomizing questions, online tests, discussion forum, and automatic grading.

Enrolled students will receive information from the instructor to access their course.

Lab Handouts, Manuals and Safety

SCP 202 Lab Handouts and Manuals

  • Laboratory manuals are being developed and will be posted.

Forms and Safety for All Labs

(Source: LaGCC Natural Sciences Department website)

Free E-Textbook 

Physics text cover

College Physics is optional. The textbook is free to read online and download (PDF, Kindle). (Book URL:

Urone, P., & Hinrichs, R. (2012). College Physics. Houston, Texas : OpenStax. Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.

Download Calibre software for converting and managing e-books

Textbook problem solutions

To access OpenStax free ancillary resources, such as lecture slides and solutions to problems, create a free account for faculty or students.


The syllabus contains information on Course materials, Instructional Objectives,  Grading Scheme and Standards, Homework Assignments, Attendance and other policies, Class schedule and instructors, and Laboratory requirements and experiments.

Download Spring 2020 or view online Spring 2020 (to be added)

Course Description

SCP202 Fundamentals of Physics II is the second semester of a two-semester sequence covering the basic laws of physics with an emphasis on laboratory experience and mathematical solutions of problems. This is a basic course for students intending to continue their studies in the physical and biological sciences, since more advanced courses in the natural sciences assume knowledge of this material. Among the topics studied are: basic concepts of electrodynamics (currents and magnetism, electromagnetism); optics (wave theory, lenses); and modern physics (relativity, atomic theory, quantum mechanics.) Prerequisites: SCP201. 4 credits; 6 hours (3 lecture, 3 lab)

Some of the links require login credentials and can be accessed via MyLaGuardia.

Physics and Astronomy Open Educational Resources

  • Physics and Astronomy OER
  • Ad Astra Undergraduate Research Newsletter
    Ad Astra is a newsletter where faculty, staff and students at LaGuardia Community College from different disciplines showcase their ongoing and latest research initiatives, scientific and academic accomplishments.  Ad Astra presents snippets of new scientific findings, puzzles to challenge your brain and useful information about usual and unusual career paths and possibilities following graduation.