SCB 101 – Topics in Biological Sciences

Course Content

Lab Handouts, Manuals and Safety

SCB 101 Lab Manuals

Instructions for enrolled students

Download and save the Word and PDF files on your device before filling them out. Follow your professor’s instructions on renaming and submitting labs.

Downloadable lab manuals in Word and PDF format

Labs and additional resourcesWord file iconword filePDF file iconPDF file
Lab 1. Exercise 1 Lab SafetyLab-1-exercise-1-lab-safety-WordLab-1-exercise-1-lab-safety-PDF
Lab 1. Exercise 2 Introduction to Biology and the Scientific Method
Lab 1 Exercise 2 Video
52 playing cards (zipped folder) for use with a virtual whiteboard
Lab 1. Exercise 2 Introduction to Biology and the Scientific Method WordLab 1. Exercise 2 Introduction to Biology and the Scientific Method PDF
Lab 1. Exercise 3 Scientific Measurements with appendicesLab 1 Exercise 3 Scientific Measurements WordLab 1 Exercise 3 Scientific Measurements PDF
Lab 2. Exercises 4 and 5 Microscopy and Cell Biology with appendixLab 2 Exercises 4 and 5 Microscopy and Cell Biology WordLab 2 Exercises 4 and 5 Microscopy and Cell Biology PDF
Download all Labs 1 and 2 with Video in zipped folder
Lab 7 Exercises 1 to 4 Meiosis and Trait InheritanceLab-7-exercises-1-to-4-meiosi-and-trait-WordLab-7-exercises-1-to-4-meiosi-and-trait-PDF
Lab 7 BabyMaker Reference Sheet_PDF
Lab 7 Meiosis Sort Cards_5MLRjSM_PPT
Lab 8. DNA – Isolation, Structure, and TechnologyLab-8-DNA-Isolation-Structure-and-Technology-WordLab-8-DNA-Isolation-Structure-and-Technology-PDF
Lab 9. Exercises 1 and 2 – Macromolecules and Human NutritionWord file iconPDF file icon
Lab 9 Exercise 1 Macromolecules Student Handout (PDF) Lab 9 Handout Word
Lab 9 Calculating Basal Metabolic Rate and Macronutrient Intake (Word)
Lab 10 Exercises 1, 2 and 3 Fetal Pig Dissection with appendixLab 10 - Fetal Pig Dissection_Exercises 1, 2, and 3 WordLab 10 - Fetal Pig Dissection_Exercises 1, 2, and 3 PDF
Lab 10 Fetal Pig Dissection Manual BIOL 105
Lab 12. Ecologylab-12-ecology-wordLab-12-ecology-PDF
To view or download, click or tap on the Word or PDF icon. Mouse users can right click on icon and select Open link in new tab.

Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) may be downloaded, and then read and filled out with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Microsoft Office (MS) Word files may be read with the free Office on the Web or imported to the free Google Docs and LibreOffice.
Central Access Reader will read MS Word file aloud, including math equations.

Forms and Safety for All Biology Labs

(Source: LAGCC Natural Sciences Department)

Homework and Assignments

Free E-Textbook 


Biology 2e is optional and free. Read Biology2e online and download (PDF, Kindle). (Book URL:

Clark, M.A., Douglas, M., & Choi, J.  (2018) (2019). Biology 2e. Houston, Texas: OpenStax. Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

Download Calibre software for converting and managing e-books

Textbook problem solutions

To access OpenStax free ancillary resources, such as lecture slides and solutions to problems, create a free account for faculty or students.

Videos on Lecture Topics

“Video Resources for SCB101” by Natalia Biani is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Scientific Method

Bio Molecules

Cell Division

DNA Replication

Cellular Respiration



Crash Course Biology: a series of videos covering a wide range of topics

Download a list of these supplemental videos

Videos on Lecture TopicsWord file iconword filePDF file iconPDF file
Videos on Lecture TopicsWord file iconPDF file icon
Kotoe Yamazaki painting
Yamazaki, Kotoe, Untitled.© (n.d.). LaGuardia Community College. Photo by Dina Pizzarello.©2020


The syllabus contains information on Course materials, Instructional Objectives, Grading Scheme and Standards, Homework Assignments, Attendance and other policies, Class schedule and instructors, and Laboratory requirements and experiments.

Spring 2021 (to be posted)

SCB 101 Course Description

This course serves as an introduction to biology for the non- science majors. It will cover topics such as basic chemistry, cell structure and function, genetics, biotechnology, anatomy and physiology, evolution, and ecology. The scientific method and application of quantitative techniques, data analysis, interpretation and presentation will also be covered. Prerequisites: CSE099, ESA099, MAT096.  Fulfills “Pathways: Required Core. 3 credits; 3 hours (2 lecture, 1 lab)

Some of the links require login credentials and can be accessed via MyLaGuardia.

References: Biology OER