Learning Schedule and Objectives
Week | Topics | Assigned Reading |
8 and 9 | The great Blood Vessels. | Ch. 12, 306-316; Ch. 12, 326-333. |
Veins: Azygous, Brachiocephalic, Subclavian, Cephalic, External jugular, Internal jugular, Saphenous, Hepatic, Renal, Common iliac, Femoral, Vena cava
Arteries: Right and left subclavian arteries. Brachiocephalic artery. Common carotid arteries. Brachial. Celiac trunk. Renal. Adrenolumbar. Femoral artery. Mesenteric arteries. Hepatic. Abdominal aorta. Common Iliac.
Lymphatic: Thoracic duct
Important Notice
- Bring the Laboratory Manual to every Lab class. Preview manual before lab.
- Dissection Kit must be purchased and brought to lab starts from Lab1.
- Shoes with open tows and slippers do not allowed in the Laboratory Room.
- Read Biology Laboratory Safety guidelines or download Biology Lab Safety PPT.
- Above rules may not apply to remote learning, please reach out to your instructor.
- No makeup practical exam.
Download Lab8&9 PPT or View below
Mink artery and vein dissection
Cat artery and vein dissection (Similar to but clearer than Mink)
Lab Activities
Lab activities will be added soon.